How Next Gen Wellness can Help You

We help you break free of pain and stress, so you can live a better, happier life and be more able to focus and support yourself and the people you love.


Ultimate Relaxation & Wellness For your body and mind. If you are suffering from muscle and joint discomfort, need help to relax, improve your circulation or want to boost your immunity, then this is your starting point.
Click here to learn more.

Freedom from Old Pain Program

Got long term chronic pain? Then it is time to let it go. Throughout the Freedom from Old Pain Program you will be guided on a journey from Chronic Pain to a more enjoyable life.
Click here to learn more.

Anxiety Alleviator Program

Free yourself from that spiderweb of fear, step out of the traps and take back control of your life and happiness. Our Anxiety Alleviator program provides you with the perspective, tools and strategies.
Click here to learn more.

Teen Transformer Program

Being a teenager is tough. Trying to find out who they are is hard enough without all the drama our kids face with social media and our constantly changing society.
Click here to learn more.

Emotional Freedom Program

Our Emotional Freedom program aims to help you uncover the impact your trauma has had on your life, identify and eliminate unhelpful believes, behaviour patterns and emotions that have prevented you from enjoying your life.
Click here to learn more.

We can help, simply book in your complimentary 30 minute consultation and you will be given the roadmap to a life with less pain, stress and restrictions.

Hear from real people who now enjoy a Pain free life thanks to Next Gen Wellness

Highly recommended Next Gen Wellness!

“I went from 8-9 pain, unable to walk properly or join in on anything because of my back, to 1-2 sometimes no pain! I am able to walk the dog, play with the kids again. It’s a life changer. If you’ve tried everything then you have nothing to loss and you won’t regret it.”

Shaun Reid, Bunbury WA

Have all the knowledge and skills to be pain free and have come away feeling a new woman

Dani is an amazing beautiful person who knows her stuff and is very passionate about helping people i have suffered over 15 years long years chronic pain, including back and neck, muscle, bone and joint injuries and arthritis, plus lymphedema in my leg it prevented me from doing alot of day to day things and exercising and low energy i was blown away with results after first session… on completing the course i have all the knowledge and skills to be pain free and have come away feeling a new woman thanks so much Dani ❤ “

Rachael Martin, Australind WA

My doctor’s are amazed

“Having 3 radial disk bulges, sciatica and osteoarthritis throughout my body, I was in constant chronic pain.  I’d given up on being able to work again. After infrared treatments, my pain reduced so much that I was able to stop all of my pain, nerve and anti-inflammatory meds. I didn’t think I’d ever feel or move any better. I’m moving & feeling really good now and am back working again.  My Doctors are amazed! Dani is now coaching me to improve my mental health and I am doing much better. Our family life is definitely happier.  Best thing I have ever done. ” 

Rob Hewton, Australind WA

I will forever be in your debt and will never stop recommending you and your services.

“I can’t begin to explain the growth and
development you have helped me achieve in such a short time. I will forever be in your debt and will never stop recommending you and your services. I’m a bit emotional today, in a great way, because I’m seeing my achievements from our time together. You’ve helped my conversations, my leads, the way I think, the way I conduct myself. All of it is coming out in every aspect of my life now and that realisation is making me so grateful.”

Jay, Australind WA

I highly recommend Dani, as a life coach!

“Had life coaching with Dani at Next Gen Wellness. It was really insightful. She
helped us see our issues from different
perspectives and gave us great advice and
strategies that have made an immense
difference to our daily lives. I have a more
positive mindset and harmonious relationship with my teenage daughter. I highly recommend Dani, as a life coach!“

Catherine Gorman, Duncraig, WA

Dani is a LEGEND, !

“Dani is a LEGEND, a Miracle Worker, a True Master& My Saviour! Where to start… Dani is one of the most phenomenal people i have ever met. My story starts long ago but in short… 7 years of agony, 1 surgery, 16 injections, 7 years of physio and hundreds of medications.. I was told I would have to live like this for the rest of my life, there was nothing more medically that could be done at 29 yo, I was devastated. Then I found this superstar! After 1 session into the ‘freedom from old pain’ program I came off some of my meds, after 2 sessions meds were a thing of the past, after 3 sessions i was 100% pain free and rid of every single medication. 8 sessions later and I am the best version of myself I have ever been. I cannot thank or recommend her enough, dont even second guess her services. She walks the talk more genuinely than anyone i have ever met! Thankyou Next Gen Wellness, from the depths of my heart. You saved me!!” 

Jayesh H, Pinjarra, WA

We can help, simply book in your complimentary 30 minute consultation and you will be given the roadmap to a life with less pain, stress and restrictions.