Is Your Teen not coping with the challenges of their day to day?
You will be amazed by the change in your teen as they begin to enjoy life again.
Introducing the…

Teen Transformer Program

Discover how your teen can improve their outlook on life with more positivity and direction by booking your complimentary consultation and discussing how the Teen Transformer Program can help your teen, you and your family!

Who is the Teen Transformer Program for?

Teen Coach, Dani Hewton explains in this video who this program is for and how it will help you.

The Teen Transformer Program is for:

The Teen Transformer Program is for:

  • Teens who are struggling to know what is going on in their mind
  • Teens who are “depressed” and negative…”all the time”
  • Teens who suffer anxiety around school and social events
  • Families who are not coping with “difficult” teens
  • Parents and Teens whose relationships are breaking down
  • Teens who are constantly worried about friendships, school and more
  • Teens who just want to know what’s going on, now.

If you answered yes to any of the above then you are in the right place and a solution is available to you now.

Book in your first consultation and discover the roadmap to a transformational teen.

Most parents who bring their teens are at the end of the road. They are fed up and just want a change…a transformation! They want to see their teen relaxed, confident and happy again. They want a peaceful, friendly home.

How does the program work

The team at Next Gen Wellness have a large array of tools at their disposal to assist your teen and your family live a more balanced, healthy and happy life. At your first consultation you will be provided with a roadmap that your teen and your coach will go through over a period of time. 

We use coaching and other holistic tools to help your teen understand who they are and the power of their mindset to significantly transform the way they behavce, react and deal with difficult situations in life.

This is not a quick fix.

While most of our clients see a change in their mood and behaviours after the first session, you will work with your coach so that you have long and lasting change, not just a quick hit of everything being rosy with your teen.

During the program you will be guided through a series of proven modalities and techniques, so that you have a complete and holistic look at the world your teen in living in and how to react to situations presented to them.

The process of rewiring the brain and hacking our happy chemistry requires effort.  Your child will be expected to complete 2 minute tasks each day and connect with Dani to check in regularly.

The beauty of the program is that it can be delivered online or in person, with the same results. 

To get started, the first step is to book in a complimentary session with our head coach Dani Hewton, this can be done in person or online.

What others have experienced when they have completed the
Teen Transformer Program

Changed my Life Completely


“Teen Transformer Program changed my life completely – now see the lighter side, it used to be just darkness. My anxiety has gone from 10/10 to 2/10. I can now have uncomfortable conversations by myself. School is better. I have strategies that help me cope with triggers. My confidence has gone from 3/10 to 7/10. I have more hope for the future.”

Katie (16), Australind

They no longer have drama at school, the bullying has stopped

“Dani has coached both my teen boys, helping them see the big picture, different perspectives, deal with negative emotions and plan for better outcomes by acting rather than reacting. They no longer have drama at school, the bullying has stopped and my middle boy’s anxiety has reduced dramatically. The boys like talking to her because she relates to them and really cares.”

Juanita, Australind WA

I’m beyond thankful and amazed by the change within her.

“WOW! My daughter 15 suffers extremely bad anxiety especially when it comes to needles. But with only 2 sessions with Dani she overcame her fear and we finally got her 12yr old immunisations today. I’m beyond thankful and amazed by the change within her. Seriously I think any parent who is struggling with a child or adult with anxiety, phobias and fears give Next Gen Wellness a call.  You won’t be disappointed. Highly recommend Dani and her professionalism to helping others. Thank you so much.”

Michelle, Kingston WA

I am happy to see myself in the mirror now.


“I had bad body issues. For about the last 2 years every time I saw myself in a mirror I felt angry and would cry. I hated what I saw and sometimes I’d cut myself. The distress was 10/10. I did everything to avoid looking at my body in the mirror. Since working with Dani I am happy to see myself in the mirror, even looking at myself naked now feels ok, a good weird. It’s comfortable now.”

JS (16)

Dani and her Teen Transformer Program definitely made a difference for us.

“My 13 year son was incredibly difficult. He was angry, defiant and in constant trouble at school. He wasn’t sleeping and was on his PlayStation constantly. After 2 sessions with Dani, he began sleeping soundly and waking up in much better moods. He now spends much less time on the PlayStation and is going to school regularly and has been in less trouble. He is calmer and has more good energy and our house hold is a lot happier. Owi enjoyed talking to Dani and her Teen Transformer Program definitely made a difference for us.”


I now go out easily everywhere.

“Anxiety was killing me. It stopped me going out with friends and getting anything done. I was always tired and couldn’t sleep. It was really bad for about 18 months. Mum took me to 2 psychologist last year, but I got worse. Then someone told Mum about Dani and how she really helped their daughter so we decided to meet her. I loved chatting with Dani, her approach is totally different. I started sleeping really good after our 1st session. She gets me and gave me easy strategies to deal with the hard stuff. I now go out easily everywhere. I am able to go to school and get all my work done easily now and am passing all my subjects for the 1st time in 2 years. I feel good. I feel strong. My mental health test results showed extremely severe anxiety, stress and depression when we started, now they are all in the normal range. I’m so glad I did the Teen Transformer Program.”

J.M.S (16)

If you are ready to see a transformation in your teen then book your complimentary 30 minute consultation and you will be given the roadmap to a life with less anxiety, stress and moods.