Is Chronic Pain Holding You Back from Living Your Life to the Full?
You can be free of pain so that you have clarity and calm, and start enjoying your life again.

Introducing the…

Freedom from Old Pain Program

Discover how you can leave your chronic pain in the past by booking your complimentary consultation
and discussing how the Freedom from Old Pain Program can help you.

Who is the Freedom from Old Pain Program for?

Pain Free Coach, Dani Hewton explains in this video who this program is for and how it will help you

The Freedom for Old Pain Program is for anyone who:

  • Suffers from Chronic Pain from an old injury
  • Is restricted by chronic migraines
  • Has fibromyalgia flare ups
  • Struggles with arthritis
  • Has spent thousands of dollars attempting to find a solution that will allow them to be pain free
  • Is tired of researching and visiting practitioners, only for there to be no change
  • Is ready to be pain free, now.

If you answered yes to any of the above then you are in the right place and a solution is available to you now.

Book in your first consultation and discover the roadmap to a pain free life.

Most people who come to Next Gen Wellness for the relief from chronic pain have tried everything!
Spent incredible amounts of money to no avail.

How does the program work

The team at Next Gen Wellness have a large array of tools at their disposal to assist you in your desire to be rid of the chronic pain that you are experiencing now.  At your first consultation you will be provided with a roadmap that you and your coach will go through over a period of time. 

We work with your doctor and other health professionals and use infrared technology, coaching and other holistic tools to help you understand your pain, body and mindset to significantly alleviate your pain and increase mobility, motivation, confidence and happiness.

This is not a quick fix.

While most of our clients see a change in the pain they experience after the first session, you will work with your coach so that you have long and lasting change, not just a quick hit of being without the pain.

During the program you will be guided through a series of proven modalities and techniques, so that you have a complete and holistic look at the pain you may have been carrying around for years.

The beauty of the program is that it can delivered online or in person, with the same results. 

To get started, the first step is to book in a complimentary session with our head coach Dani Hewton, this can be done in person or online.

What others have experienced when they have completed the
Freedom from Old Pain Program

Highly recommended Next Gen Wellness!

“I went from 8-9 pain, unable to walk properly or join in on anything because of my back, to 1-2 sometimes no pain! I am able to walk the dog, play with the kids again. It’s a life changer. If you’ve tried everything then you have nothing to loss and you won’t regret it.”

Shaun Reid, Bunbury WA

Have all the knowledge and skills to be pain free and have come away feeling a new woman

Dani is an amazing beautiful person who knows her stuff and is very passionate about helping people i have suffered over 15 years long years chronic pain, including back and neck, muscle, bone and joint injuries and arthritis, plus lymphedema in my leg it prevented me from doing alot of day to day things and exercising and low energy i was blown away with results after first session… on completing the course i have all the knowledge and skills to be pain free and have come away feeling a new woman thanks so much Dani ❤ “

Rachael Martin, Australind WA

My doctor’s are amazed

“Having 3 radial disk bulges, sciatica and osteoarthritis throughout my body, I was in constant chronic pain.  I’d given up on being able to work again. After infrared treatments, my pain reduced so much that I was able to stop all of my pain, nerve and anti-inflammatory meds. I didn’t think I’d ever feel or move any better. I’m moving & feeling really good now and am back working again.  My Doctors are amazed! Dani is now coaching me to improve my mental health and I am doing much better. Our family life is definitely happier.  Best thing I have ever done. ” 

Rob Hewton, Australind WA

We can help, simply book in your complimentary 30 minute consultation and you will be given the roadmap to a life with less pain, stress and restrictions.